mermaid after party- uncut

a lot of people don't realize how much hard work bloggers put into getting that "perfect" shot. Just imagine- how many selfies do you take before you find that Instagram worthy shot? personally I take at least 20 lol and most never make it on IG haha

as much as I love those perfect pics I also love seeing behind the scenes videos and pics...

I really think it's important to know; that even tho we work hard for that shot we also make sure we have fun! 

if it's not fun- what would be the point?

so I decided to share all these grainy blurry photos with all of you, because...well... to me they show how much fun we have together. and I feel like they show us in real life, so hopefully you still love us after this hahaha

fun fact: to me these girls are like my sisters. we practically grew up together. it's funny because we were all besties in high school,  and then somehow the universe gave me a husband with their last name.

now we all have the same last name and we're like legit sisters :p

the rodrigues sisters! 

i love these girls so very much! 

we hope you had as much fun as we did during mermaid week! we had so much fun during this shoot- there was glitter EVERYWHERE but totally worth it. I also thought I was gonna die from the amount of glitter I accidentally swallowed. (i can be a drama queen)

thanks for tuning in lovers <3 I hope this post helps you connect with us more :) 

oh and yes, we are very much aware that we are the weirdos! 




P.S. all the soiree girls are heading to New York this weekend for my big 3-0 birthday sooo be sure to follow our adventures on Instagram stories!! @happysoiree !! we will also have a blog post all about our trip, you won't want to miss it! 


Girl gang getaway gift


Mermaid queen Soiree!