Super Mario Breakfast Pj bday Party!


I can't believe my baby boy is 5 years old now. I'm not crying, you are!

Five is such a big milestone age, it feels like he's officially a big kid. Avery is my last baby! 

I am so blessed to have such a loving, funny, wild spirited little boy to call my son. I get to squeeze those chubby cheeks everyday! 

In the past I have gone all out for my kids birthdays, hurt the bank all out. But lately, I have really been challenging myself to create something great that's simple and inexpensive. Instead of stressing about making it picture perfect, I want to use minimal decorations. Aside from spending less, I also really miss the days when kids parties were more about the celebration versus making it "Pinterest worthy". 

It's always been important to me to create something that would make my kids gasp with excitement when they saw their party, without killing my designer soul by using tacky party decorations lol  

So this year didn't disappoint, Avery loved everything! I was especially really happy he liked the poster I designed for him, in fact before I had it printed he gave me the ok! 

He's really into Mario now, thanks to the new Nintendo Switch that he got for Christmas. So going with that theme and to keep things nice and simple, we had a pajama breakfast party! We served all his favorite breakfast foods! 

& some breakfast Mimosas for the moms ;)

This was super easy to throw together. I bought most of the breakfast goodies at Costco. The cake was $13 at Stop and Shop.... I just added the Super Mario cereal on top & the cake topper I found on Amazon. The Super Mario plates & the balloons I bought at Party City

I couldn't be happier with how everything turned out, especially knowing he had so much fun with his family & friends! 

So thankful to have such amazing people in our lives to share these special memories with! 




Twinkle Twinkle Little Baby Shower


Golden Girls Cheesecake Soiree!