The Rodrigues' do Disneyland!

disneyland family trip

As you know we took our son Aaden to California for his 8th Birthday, and the big surprise was that we were taking him to Disneyland! 

Honestly, his reaction when we told him was kind of disappointing, he was just like ok....seriously? Whatever. But I think it was because he really had no idea what Disneyland really is. 

When we got there we got the reaction we were hoping for. The boys eyes lit up and they were so excited! It definitely became one of their top greatest memories for sure! 

I was also lucky enough to meet up with my insta bestie Justin (@misterjustindelgado) again!

& because Justin is the bestest he asked his friend Cojo, who happens to be a photographer, if she could follow us along for part of our day and capture all the magical moments. 

I'm so happy to share the photos she took with all of you! 

The day was so amazing....and totally worth how much Disney costs (even if it's a little crazy, just sayin..) ! Oh & we really lucked out that day, the new Guardians of the Galaxy ride opened, so everyone was in the adventure park, so the lines were short and the park wasn't packed. THANK GOD! 

We took all the photos in ToonTown, and it was definitely the boys favorite part of the park. 

Favorite Rides:

My husband & my favorite ride was definitely: Star Wars- Launch Bay

Aaden: Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters

Avery: Big Thunder Mountain Railroad 

We didn't get a hopper pass and do both parks because we knew wouldn't have time and didn't want to rush. We didn't even get to get on all the rides we wanted and we were there from 9am to 10pm. Even still it was the perfect day. 

and.....I may have cried at the end of the night during the fireworks show with the whole dreams do come true thang....oooh Disney, you get me every time! 

I feel so thankful that we were able to create these memories with our boys. I hope it's something they always remember (I will never let them forget it either way). 

I'm also super thankful to Cojo for capturing these beautiful snaps ;) Especially because I rarely get to be in the family pics. Seriously, thank you so so much! 

If you live in the magic that is California, and want to meet up with her for a shoot, you can find her here

Again, special thanks to our family & friends who also played a big part in making this day possible for Aaden & Avery. 



p.s. stay tuned for the post on all the deets from our California trip, coming soon


day trippin in NY


mass art illuminate fashion show 2017