mass art illuminate fashion show 2017
A few weeks back, I was invited to the MassArt Illuminate fashion show, and it was nothing short of amazing! Hopefully, you got a caught it live on my Instagram stories! If not don't worry I gotcha covered with this post ;)
You also may have caught my outfit on my Instagram, but in case you missed it here's what I wore:
Would've taken the pic with a better background but I was running late, because this was right after my sons birthday party, so this is what ya get, sorry!
Special thanks to my girl Claudia for doing my makeup xo
Anyway, enough about moi....on to the show! It was SO spectacular, here are some of my favorite designs from that night:
Aside from the beautiful designs, I think the best part was seeing all the designers walk proudly down the runway along side their work. I think it is so inspiring the work they put into their dream. The creativity is just mind blowing. Special shout out to these amazing students!
Even the room; took place beneath an installation of 10,000 glass rain drops that was created by MassArt alumni.
I also, really loved all the diversity with the models. So many beautiful faces! I really give it up to the models because it didn't look like an easy job, but they did so awesome!
My top faves were; the colorful long coat, the floral pieces, the old ladies (because Golden Girl vibes duh) and the bee Audrey Hepburn dresses (especially the last one, that train tho--- AHMAZING!).
Also, those little kid models were so adorable!!
I am so thankful to MassArt for having me! It was such a fun experience.
& I had the pleasure of meeting a fellow Boston blogger named Kira, who is the sweetest! So definitely check her out ;)
The show was sold out super early, so be sure to get your tickets early next year. Trust me you don't want to miss it!