Typographics Case Study
case study
The goal of this project was to create a type system using both Latin script and Non-Latin script that would later be used to design a logo, poster, and landing page for the Typographics 2021 Festival. Typographics is an 11-day festival in New York City that focuses on typography used in graphic design, web design, publication design, book design, type design, packaging, branding, corporate identity, advertising, motion graphics, and more. The festival focuses on new frontiers in digital typography.
However, the Typographics festival is hoping to create more international typography workshops. Therefore the goal of this project was to create visual identities for the festival that could be used in different parts of the world. Students were paired in teams and assigned a Non-Latin script to research and use to design a visual language that could help. My classmate and I were assigned Cyrillic, our target location is Novi Sad, Serbia.
First, I researched which typeface I should use that would support the Cyrillic alphabet. Something that would look great on both print and web design. I was happy to see that I could choose a language on Google Fonts, and it would give me all the typefaces that support Cyrillic language. That made it a lot easier to narrow my search down. I decided to go with Istok Web, because of its versatility, it also felt to represent Cyrillic language well.
type system
In order to create a type system, I needed to research other type systems, since this was my first time creating one. I chose the font Montserrat for my Latin text because I thought it complimented Istok Web nicely. After creating this type system on Figma, I also created a type system in Adobe Indesign, specifically for the print poster. After creating a type system library for both online and for print, I realized how useful this is for designers. It takes out all the time of trying to decide which typeface to use. However, the only part I felt was difficult to decide was the sizing without actually testing the size first, so I researched and tried to make my font size choices based on best practice sizes based on print and digital.
Logo design
Cyrillic Logos
Research: Before creating a logo I researched other type-based logos that used translations. I tried to find other logos that were translated into Cyrillic and/or were mixed with English. I was really inspired by the Lukoil logo, I like the way the letterforms create a symbol and the translated logo look almost identical.
logo exploration
When designing a logo I always try to explore different options. Usually even the bad ideas will lead me to something better. When designing the Typographics logo in both languages, I really wanted to find a way to make both latin and non-latin work together. Instead of just separately translated.
final logos
The final logos ended up being both languages built into each other. The idea being that the one that is the dominant language where it’s being used, would be the main logo. I felt that the use of red with black really helped make the logo bold and give it some contrast.
partner work
The next part of the project was to work with our partner, using their logo design and their type systems to create a poster and a landing page. I felt this was an interesting challenge, especially because a lot of times as designers we are given the challenge of designing with pre-existing logos and brand identities. Also, this was a great experience working with another designer.
Using my partners' logo and type system, I designed this poster. I chose to remove the boxes around the original logo in order to be able to use the logo more freely in the design. The poster design is broken into 3rds with the focus being on the name (and logo) of the event and a tagline on what the festival is about. I originally didn’t have the logo in the center but after some helpful feedback from my partner, I placed it in the center. I also decided to give the Cyrillic language hierarchy since this poster would be posted in Novi Sad.
mobile landing page
My design for the landing page is meant to coincide with the poster, I wanted to make sure that after the viewer saw the poster and decided to visit the site they felt they were in the same place. I used the same minimal color palette and feeling of movement with the text. The decision to use the word Typographics in the background was to show how letterforms can be used as a design element. I also wanted to give the design a modern feel since the festival is about innovation with type. I also think this design would make an interesting promotional motion graphic.
This project is the first time I not only used another language but another alphabet to design a brand identity. I felt that it was a challenge trying to design in a language I can’t read, however, I really enjoyed the process. Learning other scripts and adapting to them giving them the same respect that I would want to be given to my own culture. This was also my first time working with another designer's work which is a skill all designers must learn.