Work To Thrive Logo
Work to Thrive is an initiative of the MassHire Metro North Workforce Board (MNWB) that is built on a shared Mission and Vision, Resources, and Track Record. MNWB is a Massachusetts 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.
MassHire creates and sustains powerful connections between businesses and job seekers through a statewide network of employment professionals. MassHire envisions a better future for employees and businesses in Massachusetts through meaningful work and sustainable growth.
Work to Thrive in connection with MassHire is an initiative whose goal is:
“Work to Thrive envision a region where, working together, all residents and businesses can thrive. A region where residents are not just “scraping by,” but where they can earn a living wage and have access to opportunities that will allow them to live a life of dignity.”
The goal for this logo was to create a design that felt like an extension of the MassHire logo. The client wanted to use the same branding colors and similar typefaces.
Different approaches I tested per the conversation with the client:
Keeping things similar to the current MassHire logo. Continuing to give the letterforms human traits.
Branching off a little bit- creating a logo that represents the W lifting the T, going off that idea we discussed the idea of moving up when you thrive.
The client wanted to try a softer logo and explore what that could look like. Keeping the brand colors the same but I went from a softer approach. When working with the letter w I came up with a blooming flower/plant; the idea is a plant that symbolizes thriving, but at the same time doesn't make the company look like a plant(s) business.
The final logo choice:
It was an honor to work on this logo for such a great initiative in my home state. I had the pleasure of learning about all the great work this non-profit is on a mission to accomplish. Helping people in underprivileged communities get the tools needed and gain access to career information in order to thrive.
This project is especially meaningful to me because I myself went through workforce development training at the beginning of my career in order to obtain an entry-level position that got me a head start in life.
Work to Thrive also seems to be doing exactly what its mission states. Hiring a woman of color with just an associate’s degree (at the time) to design their logo.
For more information on this awesome initiative, you can check out their website here and read an article about their work here.
The idea behind the final logo was to create something uplifting, representing the mission of working in order to thrive.
Using the human-like forms from the MassHire logo, I integrated that into the letter T. The W is literally lifting up the T.