funana restaurant branding
design a brand for a restaurant, the restaurant has to be of a culture (of our choosing) mixed with some type of modern twist that would be in boston, ma. Must include a logo, motif & pattern. must haves: menu, first page of a website, branded stationary, & business card.
also, must include research of the country/culture & moodboard.
my concept:
i chose to do a cape verdean (cabo verde) restaurant. cabo verde is a country on the coast of africa, very rich in culture. my husband was born there, so since half my family is cape verdean i really wanted to create something that would represent the lively culture.
a lot of people do not about cape verdeans, even though there is a large population of cape verdeans in boston they are still highly underrepresented.
cape verdean culture is rich, fun, and lively. Their community is strong.
my concept for the restaurant was to create a modern fun tropical vibrant vibe. something casual but beautiful. a place the cape verdean community could call home and invite others to experience the amazing food, music, art & culture of cabo verde.

I pulled the color palette from images of the streets of Cabo Verde. The name funaná was influenced by the Cape Verdean dance.
*** This is a school project not a real project - I do not own the rights to any of the photography used in the moodboards or the website mockup.